
(PHP 7 >= 7.3.0, PHP 8)

ldap_bind_extBind to LDAP directory


    LDAP\Connection $ldap,
    ?string $dn = null,
    #[\SensitiveParameter] ?string $password = null,
    ?array $controls = null
): LDAP\Result|false

Does the same thing as ldap_bind() but returns an LDAP\Result instance to be parsed with ldap_parse_result().


See ldap_bind()

Return Values

Returns an LDAP\Result instance, or false on failure.


Version Description
8.1.0 The ldap parameter expects an LDAP\Connection instance now; previously, a valid ldap link resource was expected.
8.1.0 Returns an LDAP\Result instance now; previously, a resource was returned.
8.0.0 controls is nullable now; previously, it defaulted to [].

See Also

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