PHP 8.4.0 Beta 5 available for testing

The MongoDB\Driver\Exception\CommandException class

(mongodb >= 1.5.0)


Thrown when a command fails.

Class synopsis

class MongoDB\Driver\Exception\CommandException extends MongoDB\Driver\Exception\ServerException implements MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception {
/* Properties */
/* Inherited properties */
protected ?array $errorLabels;
protected string $message = "";
private string $string = "";
protected int $code;
protected string $file = "";
protected int $line;
private array $trace = [];
private ?Throwable $previous = null;
/* Methods */
final public getResultDocument(): object
/* Inherited methods */
final public Exception::getCode(): int
final public Exception::getFile(): string
final public Exception::getLine(): int
final public Exception::getTrace(): array



The result document associated with the failed command.

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